The Cohousing Toolbox
Exploring Cohousing Resources
DC area Cohousing meetup
CohoUS website
| community directory
Join the Cohousing-L Listserv
12 Characteristics of Cohousing
Advice to Coho Visitors
20 questions about Cohousing
Intro to intentional communities
Best of Communities XII (book)
We Built a Village (book)
Creating Cohousing (book)
Mid-Atlantic Cohousing is featured in the FIC newsletter
Forming Cohousing Resources
10 benefits of early participation in Cohousing
How to get a home loan with bad credit
17 First time home buyer mistakes
What to look for when buying a house
The Cohousing Legal Toolkit 3.0 (e-book)
Cohousing for Life (book)
Building Belonging (book)
Our Homes, Our Communities (e-book)
Building Cohousing Resources
CohoUS professionals directory for help building your Cohousing
12 reasons developers build Cohousing communities
9 reasons to build Cohousing in an urban setting
Can you build a house out of plastic?
Communities Magazine #106: Cohousing: Building Community One Neighborhood at a Time
Communities Magazine #179: Eco-Building
Together Resilient: Building Community in the Age of Climate Disruption (book)
Cohousing Communities: Designing for High-Functioning Neighborhoods (book)
Built Cohousing Resources
Reduce your downpayment and closing costs
Communities Magazine #175: Economics in Cooperative Culture
Communities Magazine #180: Networking Communities
EcoSocial Design (e-book)
Designing Regenerative Cultures (e-book)
The Cooperative Culture Handbook (book)
Diversity & Inclusion in Cohousing Resources
Deepening Diversity - A 3-Step Diversity Circles Guide
The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Increasing Diversity in your Organization (book)
Communities Magazine #178: Class, Race, and Privilege
Communities Magazine #90: Diversity and Homogeneity in Community
Aging in Cohousing Resources
10 reasons to choose Cohousing for Aging in Community
The Senior Cohousing Handbook (book)
Best of Communities IX: Community for Elders
True Stories of An Aging Do-Gooder (e-book)
25 Steps for Estate Planning
Decision-Making in Cohousing Resources
5 ways to come to agreements through Consensus
People's Movement Assembly (e-book)
Together We Decide: An Essential Guide to Making Good Group Decisions (book)
Many Voices One Song (book)
Selling Cohousing Resources
Resale strategies for addressing turnover
Cohousing prices and the residential market
What if I want to move out of the community and sell my unit?
Do Cohousing homes sell below market rate?
WebChat 28: Raines & Betsy on buying and selling a home in cohousing
Marketing Cohousing Resources
10 tasks for core team organization
20 ways to market your Cohousing community
10 ways for new neighbors to find you
5 marketing mistakes made by Cohousers
The Marketer's Pocket Guide to writing well
How to write a press-release that doesn't suck
The difference between a media-advisory and a press-release
Press-release templates from Hubspot
Build your Cohousing website with Mosaic
10 simple edits to improve any piece of writing
Find free and legal images online
Use Google Voice as Contact in Place of Personal Phone Number
What's in your Cohousing toolbox?
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Image Credits: Sixteen Miles Out and Katt Yukawa
Website by Erin McMichael
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